1x8/2x4 Analog Audio Distribution Amplifier
The MDoG-6001-DA-2X4-AA is a remote gain analog audio distribution amplifier designed for broadcast use. It can be used as either a mono 1x8 or dual-channel 1x4 stereo audio distribution amplifier.
When used with the standard rear module, it provides 8 copies of the single mono input signal or 4 copies each of the stereo inputs.
The MDoG-6001-DA-2X4-AA has internal audio processing for independent channel or stereo gain control as well as summing capability which can be set using the on board DIP switch or controlled via dashboard remote control and monitoring system.
The MDoG-6001-DA-2X4-AA is also ideal for LTC timecode distribution throughout a facility. In the 1x8 mode, the MDoG-6001-DA-2X4-AA provides 8 copies of the incoming signal when used with the R2-6001-DA-2x4-AA full rear module.